Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Statistical Analysis

Tonight I was going to write a blog about the "perceived attack" on black men but, I am in one of those moods where I am simply tired of discussing the plight of our people and the denigration of my brownskinned counterparts. When I regain my energy I will shed some light on this from an untapped (that is right) perspective.

Name translation: "Young Warrior that carries a spear"
Age: 26
Height: Thank God for that three inch growth spurt (in college) or I would be 5'8''. Do yo math
Weight: X= (1o*8)2 Now solve for X. Hey I have not eaten meat in almost a year what would you expect. A washboard.
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Favorite Vegetable: Broccoli
Favorite Fruit: Pineapples
Favorite Snack: Toss up between Vegan Strawberry Muffins and Fried Plantains from the Reggae Bodega by my crib
Actor/Actress: Lawrence Fishburne/Too many to name
Movie: Higher Learning
Music Genre: Rap (honorable mention to Soul)
Rapper: Rakim
DJ: DJ Premier (Primo the legend)
Favorite Quote: "If you did not know your age. How old would you be?"- Tupac-
Poet: Honestly I hate how this sounds but I am my favorite poet. I try to make every line the most complete and futuristically timeless one of the poem.
Writer: Alice Walker
Favorite Words: Balance and Contradiction
Superhero: Assasta
Presidential Nomination: Maxine Watters
Pastime #1: Putting my pen to work
Pastime #2: Thinking too damn much
Guilty Pleasure: Playstation 2 (not sure if I am really guilty) and Heinekens
Tattoo/s: Lion (Leo) left arm. Ethiopia Right forearm
Out the Box: I love Japanese animation. Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin and Naruto are my favorites. Dominoes, Spades, Monopoly (I got the tophat), Scrabble and any game. I am ultra competetive. I play to win. So bring it if you are on my team.
How long have you known your best friend: 11 years (he is my little brother and mentor)
Imperative: That I make time for my mother, father and brother each week.
Children: Hell yeah. I love them. I had a dream I saw my daughter.
One thing that annoys me: People that are not genuine
Vehicle of Choice: Motorcycle
Fear: None ...except having a woman fall out of love with me again
Best Compliment ever given: I was told that I am genuine
Investment Strategy: Only invest in what you believe in
Tickers:DJO, LUC, Love
Gave up: Meat, Dairy, MaryJane and a bad temper
Got into: History, Myself and clearer thoughts
Mission: Self-awareness that I can spread.
Two sentences about you: I was never that person that battled traffic everyday because I was afraid of being late to work. I found a backroad which no cars travel and got to my destination quicker.


At 3/28/2006 8:04 AM, Blogger melette said...

You are so deep, G. Good post, I think I'm going to steal it.

At 3/28/2006 8:24 AM, Blogger glory said...

Yes!!! BROCCOLI!!! i'm convinced, you are a genius.

At 3/28/2006 11:37 AM, Blogger Words.worth said...

melette said...
You are so deep, G. Good post, I think I'm going to steal it.

Do what you do Melette. I look forward to reading it.

At 3/28/2006 11:47 AM, Blogger Words.worth said...

glory said...
Yes!!! BROCCOLI!!! i'm convinced, you are a genius.

LOL. Man I was the only five year old on the block that liked broccoli.

At 3/28/2006 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You never told me about dreaming about your daughter...I have too. I wonder is that typical?

At 4/06/2006 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice despcription of yourself.


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